
These mountains tower over Maple Ridge and are the best known landmark of my city. I have posted dozens of photos of these mountains. CLICKING ON ANY OF THE HIGHLIGHTED WORDS WILL DIERECT YOU TO LINKS OF THE MOUNTAINS IN PREVIOUS POSTS. Under a blanket of snow they are most glorious, especially on a sunny clear day. But they are equally eye-catching peeking out from under the fog and clouds. Or lit up by the setting sun, which makes them appear golden or often times even pink. I have posted them in summer, with the rugged peaks devoid of snow and the rock face showing. By now, I am certain that when I post a shot of these hills, regular CDP participants will see them in the portal an think "Oh yeah, these are the mountains in Maple Ridge again. They may be a repetetive topic on my site, but they always make for a beautiful photograph, whatever weather or season. I also included horses in this theme as Maple Ridge's nickname is HORSE CAPITAL OF CANADA. I myself don't ride, but many residents here do. We had fresh snow a couple of days ago and it really makes for wonderful photo opportunities.
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You're fortunate to have such beauty at your doorstep. Lovely ears!
Susan, this is a MAGICAL shot. What beauty. I'm only glad I'm viewing it from the warmth of home, cuz it looks pretty chilly out there! Happy Theme Day!
Seattle Daily Photo
Wow, i agree with Kim, it looks magical!
Now I know more about Maple Ridge ;-)
Happy Theme Day!
You posted a great picture, it looks so pretty.
Susan....what a lovely photo....I love your pictures of the mountains.....I can see why you photograph them!!!!Never a boring photo!
That is such a beautiful photo. You are lucky to be where you are - you've got the best view.
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Noce!. (but looks very cold). Maybe revisit in summer season.
A perfect landscape, made even better with the horse. How curious and interested she looks.
Susan, Forgive me! I didn't get around much on Theme Day but I still want to visit and send my regards. Great choice!!
It really is a beautiful winter shot.
Susan, i love this shot it is kind of magical, well done .
My preference is the sunny day view of the mountains. Happy belated theme day.
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